Through close collaboration with local experts, we were able to support JASPERS in providing technical assistance to the relevant authorities in Romania. Our expert reviews of project documentation provided useful and practical feedback to managing authorities, beneficiaries and project teams so they could address deficiencies and progress important infrastructure projects.
- Client European Investment Bank (JASPERS)
- Location Romania
- Partners EPC Consultanta de Mediu, EPMC Consulting and AETS
Environmental assessment reviews focusing on climate change and disaster resilience
The objective of this assignment was to support JASPERS staff in reviewing the environmental and climate change/natural disaster considerations of project proposals in the drinking water supply and distribution and wastewater collection and treatment sectors. To achieve this, an expert opinion was needed on the technical and procedural aspects of the environmental assessments carried out for each project seeking EU financing.
The project required a high level of expertise and an in-depth understanding of all the relevant EU directives. Through our collaboration with local experts, we were able to undertake sound, timely and technically correct reviews of project documentation.
This project included training events on improved approaches to fully embedding Site Specific Conservation Objectives into Habitats Directive Appropriate Assessment methodologies in Romania.
Improvements to AA processes to boost project progression and quality
During 2021 and the early months of 2022, the improved Appropriate Assessment process in Romania has been put into practice and this allowed many interrupted projects to progress. Through our approach to providing practical and useful feedback, there has been an improvement in the quality of assessments and project documentation which demonstrated the value of collaborative work with JASPERS and key expert support.