Working collaboratively to create sustainable solutions worldwide
We work closely with others to deliver multifaceted, multi-hazard flood, coast and environmental risk management projects globally, partnering as one team with like-minded companies and respected local consultants.
Our work is delivered in a highly collaborative manner. We are guided by local expertise, developing the skills and capacity needed to ensure the solutions we deliver are locally appropriate, locally owned and have maximum impact and legacy.
Our expertise includes:
- Flood and climate risk modelling and analytics
- Probabilistic catastrophe modelling and impact assessment
- Impact-based flood forecasting and early warning
- Integrated flood risk management (IFRM)
- Nature-based solutions (NbS) for catchment management and urban resilience
- Strategic investment plans
- Climate proofing
- Climate change vulnerability and risk assessments
- Review of project documentation for compliance with EU directives and international financial institution Environmental and Social Frameworks
- Disaster risk financing and insurance
- Decision support systems
- Institutional review, capacity building and training
- Capacity building of national hydrometeorological, flood and water management authorities
Our unique flood impact forecasting system, Flood Foresight®, is enabling humanitarian forecast-based financing and parametric insurance mechanisms across the globe.
Integrated flood risk management that prioritises Nature-based Solutions
Our philosophy is to seek the greenest possible solution to flood management problems. This allows us to prioritise Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and integrate these as evidence-based project recommendations.
For Romania, we have developed a green measures guide to flood risk management, which is intended to assist managing authorities and river basin authorities to shortlist the most appropriate measures for the specific catchment and river conditions. Together with NbS potential mapping, this enables a package of green measures to be proposed for managing flood risk at the catchment scale and also within an urban area.